HIMSS Takes Healthcare IT News and MobiHealthNews Global

HIMSS Takes Healthcare IT News and MobiHealthNews Global

By Tom Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Healthcare IT News, and Jonah Comstock, editor-in-chief, MobiHealthNews

HIMSS has been going global with events all over the world and, now, we’ve revealed that our two biggest media brands, Healthcare IT News and MobiHealthNews, are now serving an international audience of readers with region-specific newsletters and sections of the website for Europe/UK and Asia Pacific.

That’s in addition to Healthcare IT News Australia. We already have reporters in those areas and elsewhere to bring our voice to today's most important information and technology trends.

With this exciting change brings a new era for Healthcare IT News and MobiHealthNews, both of which are complimentary. We report breaking news and daily happenings in the information and technology space, as well as deep-dive features, analysis and insights into the hardest problems health IT pros face.

But we also draw distinctions between our coverage areas. In order to better inform our readers and to help guide them to the content that they’re most interested in, we wanted to break down those distinctions as we enter this new era.

Healthcare IT News

HIMSS Media’s flagship publication, Healthcare IT News was founded in 2003, and today we’re all over the digital and information revolution happening right now.

Now that the healthcare system has been digitized, in fact, providers are collecting veritable mountains of data. Indeed, a foundation is in place for innovations driving next-generation healthcare.

Such technological underpinnings enable the overarching care delivery trends such as precision medicine, population health, virtual visits, improving the patient experience and extending care outside the hospital. The technologies hospitals need to make those happen? Analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, EHRs, interoperability, information security, telehealth, among others.

And there's even more than written articles. HIMSSTV, for instance, has already reported from many locations worldwide, most recently in Saudi Arabia, where wearables are being used to collect research data improve health.

In other words: Healthcare IT News focuses on the tech infrastructure IT shops deploy to serve clinicians, administrators and, of course, patients.


Founded in 2008, MobiHealthNews is dedicated to covering the emerging world of digital health technology. People define the boundaries of digital health in many different ways, but for MobiHealthNews it comes down to covering the intersection of two major trends: the consumerization of healthcare, and healthcare’s adoption of mobile and connected technology.

The consumerization angle leads us to cover patient engagement technology such as hospital apps, PHRs, and patient portals, as well as direct to consumer products like fitness tracking wearables and mail-order genetic tests. It even extends to the use of artificial intelligence to create population health programs that help hospitals intelligently meet the needs of a broad diversity of patients.

Mobile and connected health includes remote patient monitoring, connected drugs and drug delivery devices that promote adherence, synchronous and asynchronous telemedicine, mobile hospital communications, innovative offerings in virtual and augmented reality, and much more.

All of this is happening against the backdrop of value-based care and health tech innovation, as care providers, insurers, employers, investors, pharma companies, and medical device companies all pursue technology and processes that will help them improve the quality of care while decreasing the costs. This is the emerging world that we’re covering at MobiHealthNews.

We hope you enjoy and learn from both Healthcare IT News and MobiHealthNews, and we would appreciate any feedback, so don’t hesitate to drop both or either of us a line.

Thanks for reading,
Tom Sullivan and Jonah Comstock

Tom Sullivan

Jonah Comstock

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