Blockchain in Healthcare Library Now Available

Blockchain in Healthcare Library Now Available

HIMSS has developed a comprehensive Blockchain in Healthcare Library for the health IT community to equip its members with foundational and practical knowledge related to this kind of distributed ledger technology (DLT). This timely library consists of resources exploring the basics of blockchain technology, adoption and implementation strategies, and additional considerations for the use of this technology in the healthcare sector.

As the industry discovers more about the applications and impact of this technology and its potential role in furthering interoperability and health information exchange, HIMSS will continue to provide thought leadership and essential resources through our Blockchain in Healthcare Library.

If you have questions or ideas for additional resources, please reach out to us at:

Access the library

Blockchain at HIMSS19

Change Healthcare Blockchain in Healthcare Luncheon
Blockchain: A Superhighway for Health Data Exchange

Blockchain Symposium: How Blockchain Technology Brings Value to Healthcare
Blockchain Forum: What Blockchain Is and Isn’t
Blockchain Breakfast Panel: Blockchain Reality: Perspectives from the Frontlines of Healthcare


300+ education sessions. 1,300+ vendors. 45,000+ health information and technology superheroes.


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