

2022 HIMSS Alabama Chapter Scholarship Recipients

We are excited to announce the winners of our student merit scholarships! Established and funded by the HIMSS Alabama Chapter, these scholarships are awarded to HIMSS members who exhibit academic excellence, actively engage in supporting the Alabama Chapter activities and demonstrate leadership potential in the healthcare information and management systems industry. Congratulations to the recipients below!



Dalton    Dalton


Dalton Pena/UAB – Birmingham, AL

Dalton is seeking a Doctorate in Health Administration with an emphasis in Health Informatics and anticipates graduating in 2025.  He is a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and has served as Director for Aeromedical Evacuation Operations.  Dalton has also held positions as Manager of Medical Readiness/Disaster Preparedness and Patient Engagement Coordinator. Most recently, Dalton was selected as the new HIMSS Alabama Chapter Student Liaison. He is a member of the UAB PhD Professional Development Committee.  In this capacity Dalton helps to develop awareness of HIMSS within his cohorts and is in the process of developing a program to heighten classroom learning and teaching among graduating students. Dalton's goal as the HIMSS Alabama Chapter student liaison is to increase interest and involvement in student participation and career development in our Chapter. Upon graduation, Dalton plans a university professorship to focus his teaching on the "understanding of informatics, IT design, research, and bridging the gap between development and use of technology in healthcare settings.“





jamor   jamor


JaMor Hairston/UAB – Montgomery, AL

JaMor is seeking a Master’s in Health Informatics and anticipates graduating in May 2023. JaMor has been working in information technology for 8+ years.  Through various roles, he has had opportunity to have hands-on experience with healthcare, IT, and MIS.  JaMor has prioritized his sights on obtaining the CPHIMS and PMP certifications.  Currently, JaMor is working on an opioid use disorder initiative to help identify those at risk of opioid use disorder earlier in the care continuum. As he continues his journey through the health IT space, JaMor desires to "define the evolving data science field and seeks positions such as CIO, Chief Data Officer, BI Director, or Informatics Director” and also has strong interest in becoming a professional development leader.





luke   Luke    luke


Luke Bice/Samford – Birmingham, AL

Luke is seeking a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration and a minor in healthcare informatics.  Being born with a critical congenital heart defect (CCHD), Luke was motivated to take a close look at the power of the healthcare system.  His goal in life is to heal others.  Originally thinking of becoming a physician, Luke became interested in the administrative and informatic fields in healthcare that now drives his passion.  He has participated in research of state-level mandates requiring newborns to be evaluated for CCHD through pulse-oximetry screening. This research and data analysis has shown a decrease in infant mortality due to CCHD as compared to the prior period with no mandates. The HIMSS Alabama Chapter provided Luke a travel scholarship to attend the HIMSS Global Conference and he shared that his attendance at this event played a large part in his decision to add his minor in healthcare informatics and analytics.  Luke states he is looking forward to "working closely with the HIMSS Alabama Chapter to better learn how to use informatics in my future career and to help build awareness of the power of health informatics.”










2022-2023 Student Liaison:  Dalton Pena




Alabama HIMSS welcomes and encourages student involvement in our chapter.  Please contact us for volunteer opportunities.


The Alabama Chapter of HIMSS also awards annual scholarships to Health Informatics students who are active participants in our chapter - subscribe to our email list to stay up-to-date on chapter news, events, and offerings, including scholarship announcements!





HIMSS Student Memberships


Organizational Affiliate membership


Some schools are Organizational Affiliate members of HIMSS and provide their students with a free HIMSS student membership - to see if your school participates, click here.  If your school does offer complimentary OA membership to HIMSS, click here for detailed sign-up instructions.


Note: These instructions are specific to OA membership, not the individual student membership below.


Individual Student membership   View eligibility requirements and join here