Volunteer Opportunities

Want to get involved with the Alabama Chapter of HIMSS? Participate on one of our committees - if you're interested, please email us! 


Advocacy Committee. 


The Advocacy Committee attends HIMSS advocacy calls to review HIMSS national policies and positions and legislative updates. The Committee keeps the Chapter informed of these topics, and speaks to local media, legislators, and volunteers about advocacy issues. Advocacy volunteers can also organize communication with local, state, and federal elected officials to advance HIMSS advocacy positions. 



Marketing & Communications Committee.


The goal of the Marketing and Communications Committee is to collaborate with each committee on their initiatives by delivering timely communication to members. For multiple chapter events and conferences, such as the HIMSS Gulf Coast Chapters Conference (GC3), our committee works with other chapters' marketing committees in developing marketing material and communications to members. To meet our goal, the following activities are performed:

  • Email blasts
  • Social media posts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Bi-annual newsletter
  • Marketing material for events, such as banners, brochures, etc.



Membership and Professional Development Committee. 


The Membership and Professional Development Committee creates & conducts an annual Chapter member satisfaction survey; works with Organizational Affiliates to actively promote member growth & retention; and leads the effort to increase chapter member awareness of the benefits of CAHIMS and CPHIMS certification and FHIMSS status. 




Program Committee. 


The Program Committee focuses on annual educational, professional development and networking opportunities for members and healthcare information professionals in the community. This committee engages in event planning for the Chapter, for such events as education webinars and conferences and networking receptions. The Program Committee is responsible for evaluating venue RFPs, speaker selection, ensuring adherence to budget, and the logistics of each event. 




Sponsorship Committee. 


The Sponsorship Committee develops the strategy for annual and event sponsorship plans for the Chapter, solicits potential new sponsors, and maintains relationships with current sponsors in order to retain and increase Chapter funding. This committee works closely with the Program Committee to ensure that sponsorship levels have adequate funding to support events and that vendors are satisfied with the value from the events that they sponsor.